Friday, November 11, 2011

Those memories would remain in my heart forever.

Hello all.
School's coming to an end soon. Today's our last friday together, and the last time we'll get to eat food like prawn noodles! How fast time flies. Just like that and it's been almost 2 years since we've been in the same class. 6A'11, I can't imagine how things are going to be like without it. Though the top class, but I bet if we were to compare our class with other schools' tops, we're the craziest out of it all. Though sometimes I'm annoyed and can't stand the noise in 6A'11, but I'm going to miss this class alot. <3
We, as a class, been through ups and downs together. & I enjoyed every part of it. :) To be honest, it's all thanks to the wars we had last year. Yes, the wars were the things that brought us closer and caused our friendship bond to be stronger. Though we fight alot, but soon enough, we'd just laugh it off, don't we?
I won't forget those catching days, hahah, Eat Shit Dog don't know what thing! I won't forget the guys behaving like gays. I won't forget when we would eat together. I won't forget when the girls'd gossiped together. I won't ever forget everything.

Thank you for those who've always been there for me! And thank you to every member of 6A'11 who made everything perfect. Without you guys, this class would be incomplete.

Lastly, I would like to thank all the teachers. Thank you for putting up with us despite our craziness and noise. Thank you for making the classes so interesting and working so hard to ensure that we do well for PSLE. I'm sure your hardwork would pay off and we'd all do well :).

Much as I don't want 6A'11 to end, but as the saying goes, "all good things come to an end". Hopefully, even after 6A'11 ends, our friendship would remain the same.

Meanwhile, listen to this song! It's super meaningful.

Forgot those grudges once bored.

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